Hittites/Late CtW

From Warbirth Wiki

< Hittites

Blood and Iron
Playable factions

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Lydians Phrygians Bach Viet Egyptians Thracians Babylon Euskaldunak Indians Iberians Choson Assur

In Blood and Iron, the Hittites are revealed to be little more than a small kingdom quartered around Phoenicia. Hatti no longer controls the vast pan-Anatolian web of territory that she enjoyed in the Early CtW, but is now little more than a minor power allied to Egypt.

As a CtW faction the Hittites are unplayable and so their behaviour is mostly scripted. Generally, the Hatti are hostile towards the Phrygians and the Assyrians so it is not likely you will be able to obtain land or alliances from them if you are playing as these civs. Equally, their behaviour is affected bu Urartu's progress, just like Urartu itself - if Urartu controls four territories, the Hittites will automatically offer themselves up as a vassal state to Egypt.

Roundel hatti.png

Initial start[edit | edit source]

  • Territories: Phoenicia (level 3, Glass; capital)
  • Allies: Egyptians, Judaea
  • Enemies: Urartu
  • Tribute.png: 50
  • Bonus.png: 1 x Requisition Transport; 2 x Warpath
Strategic Overview
Roundel hatti.png
Basic gameplay Rising Tide Blood and Iron