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Blood and Iron
Playable factions

Hebrews Phoenicians Mitanni Rasenna Iranians Germans Celts Achaeans Zhou Elamites Arabs
Lydians Phrygians Bach Viet Egyptians Thracians Babylon Euskaldunak Indians Iberians Choson Assur

Like Chu and the Hatti, Urartu is a rebadged version of the Mitanni in Blood and Iron and is not playable. It is a single-territory state set in the highland territory of Hayasa which differs from the Mitanni in that they are capable of raising true cavalry in the Axial Age just as the Assyrians do.

While Urartu is mostly hostile to the Akkadian peoples and the Iranians, for other factions such as Phrygia and Lydia, however, Urartu can be a potentially useful ally given her position between the Iranians and the Anatolian lands. Nevertheless, the Urartians will flat out to refuse to sell Bonus Cards and territory, always denanding for payments when it comes to forming an alliance. One thing worth noticing is that the progress of the Iranian civ has an effect on Urartu. If the Iranians reach five territories, the Urartians will seek to place themselves as vassals under Assur.


Initial start:[edit | edit source]

  • Territories: Hayasa (level 6, Iron Ore; capital)
  • Enemies: Hittites
  • Tribute.png: 80
  • Bonus.png: 1 x Treachery, 1 x Warpath
Strategic Overview
Roundel mitanni.png
Basic gameplay Rising Tide Blood and Iron