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The Hittites have the power of Assimilation.
From their seat at the mighty city of Hattusas deep in the Anatolian mountains, the Hittites maintain their vigil. Being fierce warriors and master horsemen, the Hittites' main claim to fame is their use of iron. Iron allows the creation of cheaper metal implements, ensuring that the average Hittite warrior often has a metal weapon where others may still use flint or wood, or even bronze, which is far more rare than iron with regards to its avialability. The centralised nature of the state ensures that the Hittites have access to some of the world's most fearsome armies, with enough manpower to spare, for use as infantry and charioteers -- whose main task is to win more lands and more manpower to create an ever larger fighting machine. But can these traits be enough to turn back the many enemies that the Hittites face? for to the south, a different mix of peoples - some Hurrian, others Semitic - have continued to frustrate Hittite ambitions in Mesopotamia and the Levant. Equally problematic, too, are the Egyptians, who have little interest in allowing the Semitic Canaans to overcome their bondage and seek out everlasting concord under Hittite suzerainty, even as another group of upstarts, the Achaeans, covet the western coast of Anatolia which should rightfully belong to the Hittites.Thus, the Hittites must prepare to strike - and quickly, too - if they are to survive this age of chariots and bronze Faction Tribes: Hurrian, Cimmerian, Anatolian
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