Phoenicians/Late CtW

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< Phoenicians

Blood and Iron
Playable factions

AssurHebrews Phoenicians Rasenna Iranians Germans Celts Achaeans Zhou Elamites Arabs
Lydians Phrygians Bach Viet Egyptians Thracians Babylon Euskaldunak Indians Iberians Choson

The Phoenician part of Blood and Iron concentrates on the birth of Carthage. Now, the main capital of the Phoenicians is no longer Alassa, but is instead Zeugitana. Even so Carthage is still weak, with most territories at level 2 or lower, and almost no army to speak of.

Now, no longer is colonisation and exploration the strategic objective of the Phoenicians as it was in Rising Tide, but it is now forging military or economic monopolies — by acquiring Iron Ore territories, or those with Supply Centres. Unfortunately this can be rather difficult, since the Phoenician start position in Libya just doesn't provide any advantage in moving out and claiming them. Egypt, by virtue of her having remained intact, controls the Ta-Mehu Supply Centre on the African coast. This means that for the Phoenicians, there is only one route available, and that is to enter Europe especially since Iron Ore deposits are found mostly in Europe and Asia, not Africa.

So the first task for the Phoenicians is to move northwards, and to claim the Supply Centres of Europe. While you have some good Bonus Cards and some of the most powerful strategic resources, Spain should be your first port of call — but be careful of how you acquire your Supply Centres — the local factions, the Euskaldunak and the Iberians, may be extremely weak on the map but they are still military powers. It may be better to simply buy the Supply Centres off them than to face a confrontation.

Once you have the Upper Tagus and Ilergetion regions, you are now ready to take on everyone else on the map. Europe is still sparsely populated, so move in and seize the Northern European Supply Centres too. Don't forget to seize control of the Iron Ore-rich territories of Etunorikon and Astura - you will need them to keep other factions further east from having an easy time taking control of the Iron Ore monopoly. Northern Europe has another 2 more Supply Centres in Germany and France - take them, and hold them against the locals. You should now be ready to take on anyone else - be it the Greeks in the north, the Rasenna in the east or the Egyptians to the south. Invade them and take their Supply Centres.

There is one important event in the game that you should consider, and that is the capture of the Raition Supply Centre. Capturing it will create a dilemma where the Rasenna will ask for it, in exchange for an alliance with you against the Greeks and the Celts. Once this is done, you will be at war against the latter two, but so will your newfound ally. This event triggers only once, you need to control both Raition and Sikula (Sicily) in order to trigger it. Alternatively, you can just concentrate on all of Europe, but this is risky since Europe is open to attack from the European factions - the Germans, the Greeks, the Etrurians, the Gauls and the Thracians. You should wait for their numbers to be whittled down before you attempt to venture further east to obtain your last 2 supply Centres. Once you claim them, you will win the campaign.

Roundel knaan.png

CtW objectives[edit | edit source]

  • Acquire 8 Supply Centres OR
  • Acquire 8 Iron Ore-producing regions.
  • Secondary tasks:
    • Capture Raition and Sikula to force the Rasenna to ally with you at the cost of Raition.

Initial start[edit | edit source]

  • Territories: Utica (level 5, dye; capital); Alassa (level 1, Copper); Phoenicia (level 1, Glass)
  • Tribute.png: 50
  • Bonus.png: 1 x Commerce Eureka, 1 x Logistics, 1 x Wealth Boom, 1 x Merchant Guild.
Strategic Overview
Roundel knaan.png
Basic gameplay Rising Tide Blood and Iron