Zhou/Late CtW

From Warbirth Wiki

< Zhou

Blood and Iron
Playable factions

AssurHebrews Phoenicians Rasenna Iranians Germans Celts Achaeans Zhou Elamites Arabs
Lydians Phrygians Bach Viet Egyptians Thracians Babylon Euskaldunak Indians Iberians Choson

Zhou covers several areas:

  • Yin - Shang capital
  • Qishan (Gansu) - Zhou capital for part 1

BUT Shang is replaced with Chu (unplayable), and covers several others:

  • Chu
  • Huaiyi and Shu-Ba.

WHILE Bach Viet has increased its control, so it now controls

  • Min,
  • Huai and
  • Nanyue.

So as a result, the Zhou will have little choice but to consider making war on the Chu and the Bach Viet in order to win the game.