Phrygians/Late CtW

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< Phrygians

Blood and Iron
Playable factions

Hebrews Phoenicians Mitanni Rasenna Iranians Germans Celts Achaeans Zhou Elamites Arabs
Lydians Phrygians Bach Viet Egyptians Thracians Babylon Euskaldunak Indians Iberians Choson Assur

In Blood and Iron, the Achaeans are now the Spartans but are severely curtailed in comparison to their previous state in Rising Tide. Most of the Greek world is now settled by squabbling city-states, and order needs to be restored, while vast barbarian powers - most notably, the Thracians - have conquered vast swathes of territory north of your position. Fortunately you for you they will not think of sacking your capital, but you can still lose the game if someone else gains control of the prerequisite Iron Ore and/or Supply Centres before you.

Your first task should be to march your forces north across the Corinthian Isthmus and take out the Pindian Range, in order to bolster the size of your armies. Equipped thus, you should then march north again and seize control of Dardania before the Thracians take it out. Seizing Dardania, along with the Pindian region will increase your army count to 3, whilst ensuring that the Thracians do not gain too much power, and make moves west or east, possibly ending the game in defeat for you.

With your three armies, you are now set and ready for global dominance. Your task now is to acquire your prerequisite eight Iron Ore regions, or control the other remaining five Supply Centres. It may be meet to simply just unite your home region, by seizing control of all of the Aegean and the Adriatic, then use the tribute you obtained to purchase other European Supply Centres whilst using your three armies to take neighbouring Kottinon from the Thracians, then move eastward into Western Asia via Anatolia to capture other Supply Centres, using the Tribute you obtain to purchase other European Supply Centres. For instance, you can purchase Ta-Temehw (the interior region of Libya bordered by Ta-Rbew and Sidra to the north) along with the Upper Tagus region in Spain (in central Iberia, between Karpetanion in the south and Minnuon and Astura to the north) after you have carved out your Asian empire by seizing Egypt, Assyria and Babylon for their Supply Centres and their Tribute. But should you find this too difficult to do, it may be wise for you to concentrate on your secondary objectives — that is, to recolonise Sikula to gain two Wealth Boom cards, and/or to conquer the Thracians to obtain one Military Eureka and one Mercenaries card. It may well be that you should do this, especially since your path into the Middle East is blocked off by the Lydians and the Phrygians.

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CtW objectives[edit | edit source]

  • Either:
    • Seize control of eight Supply Centres, or
    • Seize control of eight territories that bear Iron Ore.
  • Secondary tasks:
    • Secure the territories of Getia and Sikula to receive extra Bonus cards.

Initial start:[edit | edit source]

  • Territories: Phrygia (level 3), Arzawa (level 1)
  • Allies: Egyptians
  • Enemies: Thracians
  • Tribute.png: 50
  • Bonus.png: 1 x Traitors
Strategic Overview
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Basic gameplay Rising Tide Blood and Iron