Iberians/Late CtW

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< Iberians

Blood and Iron
Playable factions

Hebrews Phoenicians Mitanni Rasenna Iranians Germans Celts Achaeans Zhou Elamites Arabs
Lydians Phrygians Bach Viet Egyptians Thracians Babylon Euskaldunak Indians Iberians Choson Assur

The Iberian position in Blood and Iron can said to be one of the easiest. They don't have many enemies to deal with, apart from conquering unclaimed territory - of which there is plenty, and even then, they too border two neighbours who are mostly friendly to them.

The Iberians begin Blood and Iron with two territories: Ahateion (east of south Portugal) and Tartes (their capital in nearby southwestern Spain). Upon beginning, you will be given, in addition to obtaining Supply Centres and/or Iron Ore areas, the task of forging an alliance with the Phoenicians who are across the sea from you. Doing so will instantly net you 300 Tribute, irrespective of how you obtain the alliance. The Euskaldunak will also ask for an alliance the moment the Celts increase their holdings of Iron Ore to cover two territories - it will be up to you to decide if you should accept this alliance or not.

Once you have the Upper Tagus and Ilergetion regions, you are now ready to take on everyone else on the map. Europe is still sparsely populated, so move in and seize the Northern European Supply Centres, before the Celts and the Germans do. Don't forget to seize control of the Iron Ore-rich territories of Etunorikon and Astura - you will need them to keep other factions further east from having an easy time taking control of the Iron Ore monopoly. Northern Europe has another 2 more Supply Centres in Germany and France - take them, and hold them against the locals. You should now be ready to take on anyone else - be it the Greeks in the north, the Rasenna in the east or the Egyptians to the south. Invade them and take their Supply Centres, and you will win the game.


CtW objectives[edit | edit source]

  • Acquire 8 Supply Centres OR
  • Acquire 8 Iron Ore-producing regions.
  • Secondary tasks:
    • Forge an alliance with the Phoenicians to obtain a Tribute bonus of 300.

Initial start[edit | edit source]

  • Territories: Tartes (level 4, Copper; capital), Ahateion (level 2, Silver)
  • Tribute.png: 100
  • Bonus.png: 1 x Requisition Transport.
Strategic Overview
Basic gameplay Rising Tide Blood and Iron