War Boats

From Warbirth Wiki

His archers hold the mountain forts;
His light armed ships blockade the ports; ...
-Lord Macaulay, The Marriage of Tirzah and Ahirad

In game[edit | edit source]

Canoe icon.png
War Boats — Vital statistics

Light infantry unit with medium-powered range, able to take out slow-moving targets but must be protected from cavalry and light infantry.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Level 2: Mercenaries Military
107 8 11 1.6s

Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Timber: 50
Food.jpg: 30;
Timber: 1;
Food.jpg: 1
1 Estaleiro.png 0 1–10

Strong versus heavy infantry.

Roundel ark.png Roundel knaan.png Roundel mitanni.png Roundel teresh.png Roundel scythoi.png Roundel othala.png Roundel celtic.png Roundel yin.png Roundel zhou.png Roundel elamite.png Roundel s3ba.pngRoundel vietnam.png Roundel hatti.png Roundle qmt.png Roundel ord.png Roundel bbwel.png Roundel bharat.png Tartessos.png Roundel korea.png
Roundel assur.png Roundel melayu.png Roundel sibir.png Roundel media.png Roundel gaul.png Roundle belgae.png Roundle nub.png Roundel afrika.png Roundel chavin.png Roundel nahua.png Roundel olmec.png Roundel Haudenosaunee.png Roundel missisipi.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

The lowest of the low, War Boats are the lowest tier unit available to all factions. Consisting of a gaggle of small light craft, these units are meant primarily as escort craft, as well as Fire Raft fodder, intended primarily to defend against incoming enemy Fire Raft attacks. In addition, War Boats can be used to raid and capture nearby enemy settlements — any city built too close to the sea is going to be fair game for War Boats should they be able to close in on any cities which have had their HP reduced to 0.

While War Boats are frequently constructed by most factions, especially primitive ones such as the Euslakdunak or Chavin (to name a few) or the Tokharoi and Sarmatians of Age of Empires, other factions, particularly China, Greece and India often can rely on much better weapon systems than simple War Boats.

Notes[edit | edit source]

What will they look like?

  • Indo-European: Xorixeuleom
  • Chinese: Simple enough.
  • Akkadian war-boat - reed barges with square superstructures?

History[edit | edit source]

Naval warfare in the ancient world was just another way for infantry to fight one another. The earliest documented naval battles are those of ancient China, 'grapple and hook' battles where boarding operations and close-quarters combat decided the victor.