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"With Bow let us win kine, with Bow the battle, with Bow be victors in our hot encounters. The Bow brings grief and sorrow to the foeman: armed with the Bow may we subdue all regions."

Rig-Veda, m. 6 hymn LXXV v2-3, (trans Griffith, 1896)

In game[edit | edit source]

KC messapian ico.png
Archers — Vital statistics

Medium ship. Ideal for escort duty and/or raiding.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Upgrades to
Military Level 1: Census Military
80 11 24 2s

Syrians.png l Longbowmen

Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Wealth.jpg: 50
Timber: 40;
Wealth.jpg: 1;
Timber: 1
1 Barraccks wbi.jpg None 0–13

Strong versus heavy infantry.

Roundel axum.png Roundel garama.png Roundle qmt.png Roundel carthage.png Roundel hellenic.png Roundel rome.png Roundel illyria.png Roundel scythoi.png Yuzhi.png Roundel tibet.png Xiongnü Roundel chimp.png Nan yue.png Roundel japan.png Roundel .khmer.png Rounder bharat new.png Roundel persia.png Roundel dacia.png Roundel germania.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

Unit summary[edit | edit source]

  • Bach Viet Crossbowmen - Trainable for Bach Viet
  • Wanggeom Archers - Trained by Korea
  • Kushite archers — Kushite Archers are weaker, but can clearly run much faster, thus making them highly lethal.
  • Slingers — Saka and Gaul do not train Archers. Rather, they instead train Slingers from the Hovel, who have greater range but many disadvantages, especially poor accuracy.

See also[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

Originally, there were three versions

  • ARCHERS - occupied by a series of 13 different factions.
  • CHOSONHWARANG - two factions: Rome, Minyue
  • BARBARIANARCHERS -China, Germans, Persians, Pyu, Funan
  • Gaul originally had a "Gaul Longbowman [sic]" unit, and a Tai Bowman unit.

Scythian Bowmen, a mercenary from Age of Chariots/Rise of the Ancients, is an exact copy of this unit, except that it costs wealth, and has a train time that is 3 times faster.

Other units meant by Hong to come in here:

  • Paighan Bowmen
  • Assassin
  • Longbowmen, Longbow Levy
  • Psiloi
  • Yelang Bowmen
  • Choson Bowmen? Wanggeom Archers?
  • Qin Crossbowmen?

Clubmen are also classified as archers but mostly function as melee units.

Other versions:

Huns., Tibetans, Aksum, India, Carthage, Funan, Garama, Egypt, Greece all use ARCHERS.

  • Hunnic, Tibetan, (ASIAN) needs to use Hun archer skin.
  • Mediterranean - vanilla perponto, with Suer7700's Greek archer (macedon_toxotai.bh3)
  • India - find and bring in an appropriate set from Project 666.
  • Pyu / AMERICAN: Unknown.