Warrior Hall

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(Redirected from Warriors' Hall)

In Game[edit | edit source]

Warrior Hall — Vital statistics

(Other mods: Eryma Warrior Hall - New World Empires)

The only unit which can create buildings and gather resources, which in turn create more units.

  • Strong versus nothing.
  • Weak versus EVERYTHING.
Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed
40 8 4 2.1s
Cost Building
Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp
Food.jpg: 50
Wealth.jpg: 10
Food.jpg: 1
0 Melee
  • Trains elite units, including cavalry.
  • Functions as a point defence; can be garrisoned.

Roundel ark.png Roundel knaan.png Roundel mitanni.png Roundel teresh.png Roundel scythoi.png Roundel othala.png Roundel celtic.png Roundel yin.png Roundel greek.png Roundel zhou.png Roundel elamite.png Roundel s3ba.png Roundel troy.png Roundel phrygia.png Roundel vietnam.png Roundel hatti.png Roundle qmt.png Roundel ord.png Roundel bbwel.png Lauburu.png Roundel bharat.png Tartessos.png Roundel korea.png Roundel assur.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

A Warrior Hall is a massive fort-like building that is used to house elite units as well as Mercenaries. Only factions that can raise units from the Warrior Hall (such as the Shang or the Argives) may use it, other factions such as the Iranians or the Bach Viet may not even get to use it at all.

Besides being able to attack units around it, the Warrior Hall also has the ability to locate hidden units nearby. It is still not an ideal building to use (your Keeps and Senate buildings do a better job thanks to their expendable LOS) but if you fear infiltration of your mercenaries, it is always ideal to build this in the most vulnerable areas of your cities (ie near the hub, or at a choke point). A Warriors' Hall is quite costly to build, however, and the 3rd Fortification upgrade must be researched from your Keep before you can even think of building one.

TRains cavalry units, and other elite units besides.

Nuraga[edit | edit source]


Based off the eponymous Bronze Age fortifications of Sardinia, Nuraghe can best be described as a heavily upgraded Mercenary Quarters that now functions as a fortification, being somewhat in the middle between a Fort and a Keep. These structures are primarily built by three civs: the Rasenna, the Euskaldunak and the Tartessians.

Broch[edit | edit source]


A similar structure is the Gallic Broch, which is as strong as a Fort, but does not have the Warrior Hall's ability to detect hidden units.

Age of Empires[edit | edit source]

Note that as in Swords of the Prophets, the Warrior Hall is not always available. The most common users of Warrior Halls, however, are Aksum, Carthage, Nanyue, Germania and the Xiongnü.

Outside of Warbirth: New World Empires[edit | edit source]

The Warrior Hall appears in all three chapters of this mod, and usually is built by barbarian or warlike factions.

For further information, click the links below, which will take you to a simplified unit list; otherwise, for most of these factions the stats of the Warrior Hall remains mostly similar.

  • In Alexander, it is available to the Achaemenids, Aethiopes, but is mostly absent for Aigyptoi and Greek factions. Even units associated with the Warrior Hall for Egyptian civs in Warbirth come out of a Noble Residence instead.
  • In Swords of the Prophets, it is built by barbarian factions, but is mostly absent for more civilised ones like the Byzantines, Arabs or Tang.
  • In The Southeastern Dragon, it is built only by the west African Bini civ.

Units trained[edit | edit source]

Cavalry[edit | edit source]

  • Steppe Cataphract

Chariotry[edit | edit source]

Name Class
Heavy Chariot Super-heavy shock cavalry Hvychar WBI.png
Maryannu Medium missile cavalry Hvchar-TaP.png

Infantry[edit | edit source]

  • Composite Bowmen
  • Heavy Axemen
  • Guardsmen (elite swordsmen)
  • Long Spearmen

Mercenaries[edit | edit source]

Heavy infantry[edit | edit source]

Hurrian Spearmen Hurrian Heavy Spearmen

Mistophor Spearman (Myceanean) Mistophor Noble Spearman (Mycenaean long pike)

Mistophor Hoplite (an upgrade that replaces both the Spearmen and Noble Spearmen)

Polearms infantry[edit | edit source]

Renegade Chinese Footmen (Ge-armed)

Skirmishers[edit | edit source]

Sherden Raiders - skirmishers

Foot Archers[edit | edit source]

Sherden Archers

Melee infantry[edit | edit source]

Pirate Chieftains (swordsmen) Mezukenoi (Iberian sword infantry).

Chariots[edit | edit source]

Hurrian Warlord (light charioteer) Mistophor Archigos (light melee chariot) Renegade Chinese Warlord (charioteer)

Notes[edit | edit source]

Design: Probably any "library" type building being developed for Bronze Dawn.

Which means?

  • Probably a Celtic tavern, rehashed.