Iranians/Early CtW

From Warbirth Wiki

< Iranians

Rising Tide
Playable factions Iranians Elam Assur Achaeans Egyptians Hatti Indian Shang Phoenicians Zhou

In Rising Tide, the Iranians campaign is in essence the story of the Scythians - they control two territories, mainly their capital of Dahyu Skuda in Central Asia, as well as the smaller territory of Serindia to the southeast, bordering the Zhou home fief of Qishan.

The Iranians will find themselves surrounded by different factions — namely, India to the south based in Margu, and the Chinese nations of Zhou and Shang. Allying with the Zhou will be easy, given their relative weakness, the other two, Shang and India, however, will be less inclined to ally with you.

Roundel scythoi.png

CtW objectives[edit | edit source]

  • Conquer or ally with all other factions.
  • Secondary tasks:
    • Purchase Kaftor island from the Achaeans and colonise Western Europe.

Initial start[edit | edit source]

Strategic Overview
Roundel scythoi.png
Basic gameplay Rising Tide Blood and Iron