Van Lang Warriors

From Warbirth Wiki

In game[edit | edit source]

Van Lang Warriors — Vital statistics

Light melee infantry with slow but powerful, armour-piercing attack. Ideal for attacking buildings and large units, especially war elephants, siege weapons and chariots.

  • Strong versus unarmed units, siege weapons and missile units with low accuracy or rate of fire
  • Weak versus military units, especially heavy cavalry.
Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
31px Military
145 7 19 2.3s
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Food.jpg: 10?;
Timber: 10?
1 34df4911558ba80fd8d12c786dcfca50.png 4 Melee
  • Armour piercing
  • Bonus damage versus buildings, siege weapons.

Roundel ark.png Roundel knaan.png Roundel teresh.png Roundel othala.png Roundel celtic.png Roundel yin.png Roundel zhou.png Roundel greek.png Roundel phrygia.png Roundle qmt.png Roundel s3ba.png Roundel ord.png Lauburu.png Roundel korea.png Roundel bharat.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

They are armed with axes and thus function as a fast-training axe unit for the Bach Viet. Most likely a replacement for Man Horseman in Axial Age.

See also[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

This unit was formerly part of Hong's Age of Empires project but was scrapped the moment Van Lang was reformed into Au Lac.