Tribal Shaman

From Warbirth Wiki

The plain of Zhou looked beautiful and rich,
With its violets and sowthistles [sweet] as dumplings.
There he began with consulting [his followers];
There he singed the tortoise-shell, [and divined].
The responses were - there to stay, and then;
And they proceeded there to build their houses.

The Shijing (Decade of Wen Wang)

In game[edit | edit source]

C anim 120.png
Tribal Shaman — Vital statistics

Fast but powerful unit with poor armour, but has greater LOS, and the ability to boost the attack of friendly units and spot hidden units.

  • Strong versus light units
  • Weak versus heavy units, cavalry
Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
120 8 18 2.1s

Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Timber: 40;
Food.jpg: 40
Timber: 1;
Food.jpg: 1
1 Barracks 2 Melee

Small defensive bonus versus missile infantry.

Roundel teresh.png Roundel othala.png Roundel celtic.png Roundel phrygia.png Roundel vietnam.png Roundel hatti.png Roundle qmt.png Roundel ord.png Roundel bbwel.png Roundel bharat.png Tartessos.png Roundel assur.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

While the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern nations depend on an established priesthood to lead and heal their units, the Tribal Shaman instead is involved in a different kind of game. Instead of converting enemy units or healing friendly units, the Tribal Shaman is armed with daggers and axes, and functions primarily to boost the attack of your armies, whilst being capable of taking down some unarmoured units on its own. Tribal Shamans however are costly to train and easily taken out by missile fire, so the best use for them is to always keep them behind your lines, where they can boost the power of your units. Because of the nature of their abilities, Tribal Shamans are best deployed together with infantry.

Unit summary[edit | edit source]

  • Hack is the New Black — Versatility is key to using Swordsmen — they do exceedingly well against archers and possibly fortifications, and will perform well in melee against cavalry too but only if they enjoy crushing superiority.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Reuses Lac Viet Priest for Asian factions.