Maedia have the power of Ceremony.
Of the three Indo-Aryan tribes of Rise of the Ancients, Maedia combines the swift and fast steppe cavalry line with some rather powerful economic boosts.
Faction Tribes: Indo-Aryan, Nomadic, Akkadian National Bonuses:
- Start with 50% bonus
Food. This works with all resource settings, e.g. like Variable ... or Random.
- Second City built acts as a Capital as well. Both receive Capital border bonus, and both must be captured to eliminate you.
- Receive a 30% discount on
Administration research.
- Receive Taxation upgrades for free (still requires a House of Worship).
- You always have the maximum number of Caravans allowed, thus don't need to build them.
Unique Units:
: Rong
: Scythians, Anatolians (no Warchief)
- Outpost: [Hyrkanoi] Hyrkanoi Peltastoi , Hyrkanoi Pelekophoroi, [War Dogs]
- Arzhan
- Ecbatana
- Bukhara
- Samandar
- Faryab
- Juzjan
- Maracanda
- Panchkent
- Nasaf
- Amuluzjan
- Kurdzhips
- Tsymbalka
- Kozel
- Myriv
- Jizzakh
- Nurota
- Termez
- Balasagun
- Baykand
- Arbinjan
- Hazarasp
- Akhrun
- Shumanf
- Talaqan
- Balkh
- Kath
- Teushpa
- Sandakhshatra
- Deioces
- Phraortes
- Cyaxares
- Astyages
- Teispes