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(Redirected from Library/Warbirth)
- For the Age of Empires tech tree, see here.
As in Rise of Nations, the Library is the nucleus of your scientific research (or what passes for it) in Warbirth.
There are five paths of research in the Civic Centre: Science , Commerce , Administration , and Military , as well as three trunk technologies. Each one of them is a prerequisite for further research, which in turn might contribute towards bettering your units and even the stylistic appearance of your faction's buildings!
Note that the Library's appearance and nomenclature can change depending on the submods. While Age of Chariots and Rise of the Ancients use a Library, Age of Empires relegates its functions to the Civic Centre.
Ages [edit | edit source]
- "[T]hey pass away in the rustling blast, and other leaves lift their green heads on high." —James Scott MacPhearson, Ossian
Ages allow your faction to grow and mature as a civilisation, and are required to access Reforms and Research which enhance your faction vis-à-vis others. Each age is costlier and harder to research than the next, but great are the rewards should you chooise to pursue them.
Copper Age |
(Not available. Only for Rise of Ancients. Only Hovels are available at this age.) |
None— | |
Bronze Age |
"And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass." —Deuteronomy (28:32)
Resource cost: | |
Heroic Age |
"Who is most glorious of the heroes, who is most eminent among men?" —Epic of Gilgamesh
Resource cost: | |
Axial Age |
"A deep breath bringing the most lucid consciousness."
Resource cost: |
Scientific research [edit | edit source]
- If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge. —Egyptian saying
Science research increases line of sight for many of your units (including buildings), makes new Resource technologies available so you can increase gather rate, permits construction of new types of buildings, and decreases the cost of all other technology research incrementally.
Written Word |
"All that I have written seems like straw."
Resource cost: |
Loremastery |
All words hold a seed of truth, from their very syllables all the way to the mood of the speaker.
| |||
Cosmology |
"Let us meditate on the effulgent glory of the radiant Sun."
Numeracy |
Not everything that counts can be counted.
Formal Education |
He who goes unpunished never learns. —Greek proverb
Pedagogics with Heroic Age | |||
Deductive Reasoning |
"I think; therefore, I am." —Rene Descartes
Logic |
Reason has an innate beauty of its own.
Commerce research [edit | edit source]
...where the houses overflow with the greatest troves of treasure... —The Iliad
Commerce research will cost you Timber and Knowledge at the Library. When you complete Commerce research, your [1]goes up for all Resources you gather: Food, Timber, Metal, and Wealth. You can gather more of them only up to the Commerce Cap; surpass the cap and any excess is simply lost to you.
In addition, Commerce is required in order to open up access to Mercenaries. While there are several exceptions, Mercenaries unlock at Lvls 1,3 and 5.
Exploration |
To know one's world is to know one's true self.
Commodity Money |
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."
Records and Tallies |
Bean counting is especially valuable in a world of feast and famine.
Warehousing |
Who possesses much silver may be happy; who possesses much barley may be glad; but he who has nothing at all may sleep. —Sumerian saying
Land Development |
You should not make a well in your field: people will cause damage on it for you. You should not place your house next to a public square: there is always a crowd there. —Instructions of Shuruppak
Contractual Relations |
Guard your promises well, lest you be compelled to break them later.
Entrepot Trade |
"He shall be for an haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Sidon." —Genesis (49:13)
Administration research [edit | edit source]
- To bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, so that the strong should not harm the weak.
- —Hammurabi's Code; Prologue
Administration research allows you to build one new city with each completed round, and increases your national borders. If your borders abut other nations' borders, then you'll gain strength in the pushing match. As long as you don't touch other factions' territories yet, the diameter of area covered by your borders centred around your Cities simply expands with each level attained. Administration research is also required to gain access to a variety of military units as well.
In addition, unlike the vanilla game or previous mods, Agronomics research in Warbirth relies heavily on Administration, not Science.
Tradition and Ritual |
Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder.
Caste System |
"The existence of this world is effected by the observance of the rules respecting the four classes of men and their four stages of life"
Alienable Rights |
He who exercises his own right injures no one.
Codified Law |
The more laws and restrictions there are, the poorer people become. —Taoist saying
Nationhood |
"United we stand; divided we fall." —Aesop
Ambassadors |
A mask he still could wear so that if he wished he might deceive the eyes of Men, seeming to them wise and fair. —John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, The Silmarillion
Colonial System |
"The sun shall shine on no land that is not our own."
Military research[edit | edit source]
- "Thou leadest as a warrior king thine army's wings what time thou comest in the van of these swift streams."
- —Rig-Veda (m. 10, hymn LXXV)
Completing Military research increases your population cap and also allows you to start upgrading your units at your military structures. Additionally, the cost of units and unit upgrades is lowered with each successive level researched.
Drill |
"The mark of their arm is in a thousand battles."
Rank and File |
"Range the men by tribes, by clans, Agamemnon, that clan may bear aid to clan and tribe to tribe."
Military Tradition |
The good man wins a victory and then stops.
| ||
4 |
Soldiery |
Train soldiers for a thousand days to use them for a day.
Hierarchy and Command |
Be one in self-harmony, in Yoga, and arise, great warrior, arise.
Hereditary Service |
"Kings will always use their kingly weapons. To use force is bred in them."
The Art of War |
[War] is a subject of inquiry which on no account can be neglected.
While Warbirth continues to showcase population caps in multiples of 50 (as opposed to 25 in vanilla Rise of Nations), Warbirthslows down your ability to research higher level Military research owing to its nature as a Bronze Age mod.
After level 3, :
- Level 4: x 2 length.
- Level 5: x 3 length
- Level 6: x 5 length
- Level 7: x 7 length
Notes[edit | edit source]
Most likely it will be a senate-sized building. All buildings for this one are ready.