Age of Empires/Technologies and upgrades
From Warbirth Wiki
In Age of Empires, technologies are researched from the Civic Centre.
Trunk techsWhereas Age of Chariots and Rise of the Ancients have 2 tiers of researchable Ages or trunk techs, Age of Empires only has one and it is costly. This is meant to reflect the different focus and technological developments of the period covering the rise and fall of the Western Roman Empire, as well as the expanded geographic scope of the mod - covering central-southeast Asia and East Africa.
Of the six upgrades requiring the Imperial Age trunk tech,
Unlike Age of Chariots and Rise of the Ancients, Commerce research in Age of Empires uses Influence and Food - thus making it harder, as can be expected, to either invest in culture or in industry. You can either invest your Food and Influence in exacting more tax, or spend it on the arts or your economy. The choice is yours. Science
Unlike Age of Chariots and Rise of the Ancients, Scientific research in Age of Empires uses Influence and Food - thus making it harder, as can be expected, to either invest in culture or in industry. You can either invest your Food and Influence in exacting more tax, or spend it on the arts or your economy. The choice is yours. i-War variations in Warbirth mean that Scientific research is far less significant, since most buildings don't have any expandable LOS. However, since expandable LOS is now attached to the location of your Meeting House and the Palace wonder, it is still useful for you to research it if only as a precaution against anyone using spies or invisible units, such as the Dacians, Bach Viet or Germans.
The task of administration is less connected to public deliberations as it is now to creating a physical presence - Administration creates the population centres, but only Science or Commerce can make them flourish as economic hubs. However, there are two areas of economic resource production which Administration governs -- and that is Wealth production through Taxation, as well as Food production through Agronomics. This, in addition to the Administration tech track taking over the vanilla Civics track of Rise of Nations (as well as its important task of expanding your geographic borders on the game map) makes the Administration track no less important (if not more) than the Military track. Without the resources and Peons that Administration can drag in, your empire will be stagnant. Military
Note that the same time penalties as mentioned here on all Military tech levels from level 4 onward don't apply in these instances, since Age of Empires does not deal with the Bronze Age. |
- Green techs: Populism, REpublic, Isolationism
- Red techs: Aristocracy, Monarchy, Expansionism
Green Policies
Red Policies
Note the following:
- Tier 1 - both require Level 1 Admin (because you need this tech to unlock the Senate).
- Tier 2 - both require Level 3 Admin, but Monarchy (Red 2) available only in Imperial Era.
- Tier 3 - both require Imperial Era AND Level 5 Admin.
Patriot design
- Green: The Peer (the only one)
- Red: Strongman, Warlord, Monarch.