
From Warbirth Wiki

In game[edit | edit source]

Teutaspear ico.png
Tribanoj — Vital statistics

Cheap but weak spear infantry. Very easy to amass, but very vulnerable to missile weapons.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Upgrades to
Military Level 1: Census Military
185 7 15 2.2s
17 Numeri icon.png
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Food: 20
Metal: 10;


1 Barraccks wbi.jpg 4 Melee
  • Attack bonus versus cavalry
  • Defensive penalty versus ranged units
  • Small attack penalty versus buildings.
  • Replaces KcWarrior ico.png.
Roundel illyria.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

Unit summary[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

Originally, there were three versions, using the following <GRAPH> entries:


In the original Age of Empires, this unit was given to several factions

  • China
  • India
  • Illyria
  • Egypt - replaced with Machairaphoroi (which is Egyptian in apperance)
  • Xiongnü - replaced by Steppe Warband

Formerly this unit's costs were 2f, 1m with 1.4 seconds (20t) build time. As of late November 2021, it now uses a simple system of HP-attack speed delay to determine how fast it can be trained.