Age of Empires/Technologies and upgrades

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< Age of Empires


In Age of Empires, technologies are researched from the Hqc townctr.png Civic Centre.

Trunk techs

Whereas Age of Chariots and Rise of the Ancients have 2 tiers of researchable Ages or trunk techs, Age of Empires only has one and it is costly. This is meant to reflect the different focus and technological developments of the period covering the rise and fall of the Western Roman Empire, as well as the expanded geographic scope of the mod - covering central-southeast Asia and East Africa.

Name Cost
[1] Classical Age
[1] Classical Age
[2] Imperial Age
[2] Imperial Age
Leads to : Earthworks Materia medica Preservation Engineering Open-cast mines

Krateia.png : 2,100
Food.jpg : 1,050

Of the six upgrades requiring the Imperial Age trunk tech, Earthworks Earthworks is probably the most important of all in Age of Empires since it functions as a gateway upgrade, not just for the whole Fortification upgrade track, but because the same also leads to new developments in Logistics and Strategy. However, this is but a rule of thumb — the value of this upgrade will vary, depending on what civ you play and what other civs you face.

(Scroll down to see Upgrades)

Commerce Commerce

Unlike Age of Chariots and Rise of the Ancients, Commerce research in Age of Empires uses Influence and Food - thus making it harder, as can be expected, to either invest in culture or in industry. You can either invest your Food and Influence in exacting more tax, or spend it on the arts or your economy. The choice is yours.

Name Cost
Commerce Level 1: Records and Tallies
Records and Tallies
Krateia.png :100
Commerce Level 2: Entrepot Trade
Entrepot Trade
Leads to: Carpentry
Krateia.png :200
Commerce Level 3: Coinage
Leads to : Direct taxation
Krateia.png :300
Food.jpg :200
Commerce Level 4: Warehousing
Krateia.png :800
Food.jpg :300
Commerce Level 5: Road Networks
Road Networks

Leads to : Sawmills Open-cast mines

Krateia.png :1,200
Food.jpg :500
Commerce Level 6: Infrastructure
Leads to : Contractual factorship
Krateia.png :1,500
Food.jpg :800
Commerce Level 7: The Silk Road
The Silk Road
Krateia.png :2,000
Food.jpg :1500

Science Science

Unlike Age of Chariots and Rise of the Ancients, Scientific research in Age of Empires uses Influence and Food - thus making it harder, as can be expected, to either invest in culture or in industry. You can either invest your Food and Influence in exacting more tax, or spend it on the arts or your economy. The choice is yours.

i-War variations in Warbirth mean that Scientific research is far less significant, since most buildings don't have any expandable LOS. However, since expandable LOS is now attached to the location of your Meeting House and the Palace wonder, it is still useful for you to research it if only as a precaution against anyone using spies or invisible units, such as the Dacians, Bach Viet or Germans.

Name Cost
Science Level 1: Astrology and Horology
Astrology and Horology
Leads to: Clergy

Food.jpg : 120

Science Level 2: Logic
Leads to : Literacy Carpentry Architecture

Food.jpg : 170

Science Level 3: Mathematics
 Leads to : Procurement Materia medica

Krateia.png : 160
Food.jpg : 200

Science Level 4: Weights and Measures
Weights and Measures
 Leads to : Cupellation process

Krateia.png : 300
Food.jpg : 300

Science Level 5: Archivists
Leads to : Monotheism

Krateia.png : 800
Food.jpg : 500

Science Level 6: Mechanical Energy
Mechanical Energy
Leads to : Engineering

Krateia.png : 1,200
Food.jpg : 800

Science Level 7: Philosophy

Krateia.png : 1,500
Food.jpg : 1,500

Administration Civic.jpg

The task of administration is less connected to public deliberations as it is now to creating a physical presence - Administration creates the population centres, but only Science or Commerce can make them flourish as economic hubs.

However, there are two areas of economic resource production which Administration governs -- and that is Wealth production through Taxation, as well as Food production through Agronomics. This, in addition to the Administration tech track taking over the vanilla Civics track of Rise of Nations (as well as its important task of expanding your geographic borders on the game map) makes the Administration track no less important (if not more) than the Military track. Without the resources and Peons that Administration can drag in, your empire will be stagnant.

Name Cost

Administration Level 1: Authority

Leads to : Urban Corporation Aristocracy Clergy
Wealth.jpg : 50
Administration Level 2: Caste System
Caste System

Leads to : Crop rotation Direct taxation Theocracy

Wealth.jpg : 150
Timber.jpg : 120
Administration Level 3: Alienable Rights
Alienable Rights

Leads to : Commonwealth Monarchy

Wealth.jpg : 300
Timber.jpg : 160
Administration Level 4: Codified Law
Codified Law

Leads to : Preservation Contractual factorship

Wealth.jpg : 500
Timber.jpg : 230
Administration Level 5: Nationhood

Leads to : Isolationism Expansionism

Wealth.jpg : 800
Timber.jpg : 500
Administration Level 6: Ambassadors
Wealth.jpg : 1,000
Timber.jpg : 800
Administration Level 7: Colonial System
Colonial System

Leads to : Milling

Wealth.jpg : 1,500
Timber.jpg : 1,000
Krateia.png : 800

Military Military

Name Cost
Military Level 1: Census

Food.jpg :170

Military Level 2: Drill

Food.jpg : 100
Metal.png : 100

Military Level 3: Impressment
Leads to: Non-commissioned officers

Food.jpg : 200
Metal.png : 160

Military Level 4: Professional Corps
Professional Corps
Leads to: Mass manufacturing Defensive federalism Chargés d'affaires

Krateia.png : 360
Metal.png : 250

Military Level 5: Strategic Reserves
Strategic Reserves
Leads to : Moneylenders
Krateia.png : 650
Metal.png : 400
Military Level 6: Mercenaries
Krateia.png : 1,300
Metal.png : 500
Military Level 7: Total War
Total War
 Leads to : Military engineering

Krateia.png : 1,800
Metal.png : 1,200

Note that the same time penalties as mentioned here on all Military tech levels from level 4 onward don't apply in these instances, since Age of Empires does not deal with the Bronze Age.


Woodworking Woodworking

Name Cost
 Prereq: Science Level 2: Logic Commerce Level 2: Entrepot Trade
Metal : 150
Food : 150
 Prereq: Procurement
Metal : 250
Food : 250
 Prereq: Commerce Level 5: Road Networks Milling

Metal : 450
Food : 450

Construction Construction

Name Cost
Prereq: Science Level 2: Logic
Leads to : Earthworks

Wealth.jpg : 80
Timber.jpg : 80

Crafts specialisation
Crafts specialisation
Prereq: Literacy
Leads to: Hushing process Defensive federalism

Wealth.jpg : 150
Timber.jpg : 150

Prereq: [2] Imperial Age Science Level 6: Mechanical Energy
Leads to: Military engineering

Wealth.jpg : 300
Timber.jpg : 300

Agronomics Agronomics

Name Cost
Crop rotation
Crop rotation
Prereq : Administration Level 2: Caste System

Metal.png : 150
Timber.jpg : 150


Prereq : [2] Imperial Age Administration Level 4: Codified Law

Metal.png : 250
Timber.jpg : 250
Prereq : Administration Level 7: Colonial System
Leads to : Sawmills
Metal.png : 450
Timber.jpg : 450

Healthcare Healthcare

Name Cost
Materia medica
Materia medica
Prereq: [2] Imperial Age Science Level 3: Mathematics
Food.jpg : 80
Medical thought
Medical thought
Prereq: Rhetoric
Food.jpg : 250
Wealth.jpg : 80
Prereq: Intelligentsia
Food.jpg : 450
Wealth.jpg : 250

Metallurgy Metallurgy

Name Cost
Cupellation process
Cupellation process
Prereq : Science Level 4: Weights and Measures

Timber.jpg : 250
Food.jpg : 250

Hushing process
Hushing process
Prereq : Crafts specialisation

Timber.jpg : 350
Food.jpg : 350

Open-cast mines
Open-cast mines
Prereq : [2] Imperial Age Commerce Level 5: Road Networks

Timber.jpg : 450
Food.jpg : 450

Logistics Logistics

Name Cost
Prereq: Science Level 3: Mathematics
Leads to: Artisanship
Food.jpg : 150
Wealth.jpg : 80
Mass manufacturing
Mass manufacturing
Prereq: Military Level 4: Professional Corps
Food.jpg : 230
Wealth.jpg : 150
Supply depots
Supply depots
Prereq: Military engineering
Wealth.jpg : 350
Metal.png : 250

Pedagogics Pedagogics


 Prereq : Science Level 2: Logic
Leads to : Crafts specialisation
Timber.jpg : 200
 Leads to : Medical thought
Timber.jpg : 400
Prereq : Urban Corporation
 Leads to : Surgery
Timber.jpg : 600
Popular assemblies
Popular assemblies
 Prereq : Isolataionism
Timber.jpg : 700
Wealth.jpg : 700

Strategy Strategy


Non-commissioned officers
Prereq: Military Level 3: Impressment
Wealth.jpg : 80
Food.jpg : 80
Chargés d'affaires
Chargés d'affaires
Prereq: Military Level 4: Professional Corps
Wealth.jpg : 150
Food.jpg : 150
Prereq: Military engineering
Wealth.jpg : 300
Food.jpg : 300

Taxation Taxation

Name Cost
Direct taxation
Direct taxation
Prereq: Administration Level 2: Caste System Commerce Level 3: Coinage
Krateia.png : 170;
Food.jpg : 70
Contractual factorship
Contractual factorship
Prereq: Administration Level 4: Caste System Commerce Level 6: Infrastructure
Krateia.png : 250;
Food.jpg : 170
Prereq: Military Level 5: Strategic Reserves Alex govred2.png
Leads to : Oath of fealty
Krateia.png : 400;
Food.jpg : 640

Note that Administration Level 7 (Colonial Administration) is automatically required for Monotheism by virtue of it filtering through (Red 3) Expansionism.

Religion Religion

Name Cost
Religion0 alex.png
Prereq: Administration Level 1: Authority Science Level 1: Astrology and Horology
Krateia.png : 170;
Food.jpg : 70
Prereq: Administration Level 2: Caste System
Leads to : Communalism
Krateia.png : 450;
Food.jpg : 150
Prereq: Science Level 5: Archivists Expansionism
Leads to : Oath of fealty
Krateia.png : 600;
Food.jpg : 300

Note that Administration Level 7 (Colonial Administration) is automatically required for Monotheism by virtue of it filtering through (Red 3) Expansionism.

Fortification Fortification

Name Cost
Prereq: [2] Imperial Age Architecture

Metal.png : 100
Timber.jpg : 100

Defensive federalism
Defensive federalism
Prereq: Military Level 4: Professional Corps Crafts specialisation

Metal.png : 230
Wealth.jpg : 70

Military engineering
Military engineering
Prereq: Military Level 7: Total War Engineering
Leads to Intelligence Mass manufacturing

Metal.png : 450
Wealth.jpg : 150

Attrition Attrition

Name Cost
Metal.png : 80
Wealth.jpg : 80
Prereq: Theocracy
Metal.png : 150
Wealth.jpg : 150
Oath of fealty
Oath of fealty
Prereq: Monotheism Moneylenders
Metal.png : 300
Wealth.jpg : 300

Politics Politics

  • Green techs: Populism, REpublic, Isolationism
  • Red techs: Aristocracy, Monarchy, Expansionism

Green Policies

Name Cost
Metal : 150
Food : 250
Urban Corporation
Urban Corporation
Leads to : Intelligentsia
Metal : 250
Food : 450
Leads to : Popular assemblies

Metal : 450
Food : 800

Red Policies

Name Cost

Wealth.jpg : 300
Timber.jpg : 160

Hereditary Rule

Wealth.jpg : 600
Timber.jpg : 300

Leads to: Monotheism Moneylenders

Wealth.jpg : 800
Timber.jpg : 600

Note the following:

  • Tier 1 - both require Level 1 Admin (because you need this tech to unlock the Senate).
  • Tier 2 - both require Level 3 Admin, but Monarchy (Red 2) available only in Imperial Era.
  • Tier 3 - both require Imperial Era AND Level 5 Admin.

Patriot design


  • Green: The Peer (the only one)
  • Red: Strongman, Warlord, Monarch.