
From Warbirth Wiki

"He sees all of us. Let him see the magic come to our spears!"

— John R Dann, Song of the Axe (vol 1 cap 24)

In game[edit | edit source]

Shaman — Vital statistics

Agent unit capable of boosting the attack of nearby friendly units, increasing the attack of garrisoned buildings, but can't be directly selected.

  • Strong versus nothing.
  • Weak versus EVERYTHING.
Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement

Metal Alloys

35 8 N/A N/A 22

Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Wealth.jpg: 80;
Food.jpg: 80
Wealth.jpg: 40;
Metal.png: 40
1 Barraccks wbi.jpg 0 N/A
  • Can't be selected directly.
  • Is cloaked when not moving.

Roundel teresh.png Roundel celtic.png Roundel phrygia.png Roundel vietnam.png Roundel hatti.png Roundel ord.png Roundel bbwel.png Roundel bharat.png Tartessos.png Roundel assur.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

Shaman - doesn't bribe stuff like normal Priests do, but is hidden, can spot hidden ones and boosts the attack of nearby units. They just don't have the LOS associated with Priests.