Jungle Bowmen

From Warbirth Wiki

"Ram pulled the string a notch further and then released the arrow. The missile whizzed past the trees and slammed into the deer's neck."

— Amish Tripathi, Scion of Ikshvaku (cap 1)

In game[edit | edit source]

Tamilbows ico.png
Jungle Bowmen — Vital statistics

Short-ranged stealthy infantry unit, armed with poison darts. Useful for disabling enemy infantry and cavalry, but weak against everything else.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Level 2: Mercenaries Military
57 7 25 4.2s
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Wealth.jpg: 150
Krateia.png: 50
1 Senate.jpg 0 1–11
  • Strong versus most units, especially infantry.
  • Deals negligible damage against vehicles and structures.

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Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

Like most Jungle units of Warbirth, these archers are stealthy and deadly with their salvos, and also enjoy an attack bonus versus foot units. Their main issue is that they are not very heavily armoured so as a result they are very much vulnerable to enemy cavalry.

See also[edit | edit source]