From Warbirth Wiki
How do missile units interact with others?
Slingers[edit | edit source]
- 90% damage versus heavy infantry (Heavy Spearmen, Pedites)
- 75% versus heavy cavalry (Cataphracts, Badarai)
- 60% versus heavy naval warships (Triremes, Floating Fortresses)
- Very high Attenuate (-75 for bad units, but only -13 for the best ones - Neitoitoi in other words)
- +1 splash (66%)
Archers[edit | edit source]
- 90% damage versus heavy infantry, heavy cavalry. (no penalty for Crossbow or Composite Bow)
- 80% versus heavy naval warships (90% for Crossbow)
- 110% versus foot.
- +1 splash (85%) if the unit is a longbow.
Crossbow[edit | edit source]
- Slow speed (40+) but very good range and damage comparable to javelins.
- Very good accuracy.
- Crossbows outrange slings, but with pellet shot, their accuracy is drastically increased, although their attack speed is also increased.
- 125% modifier versus heavy chariot, 150% modifier against unarmoured chariot and heavy elephant, 160% modifier versus unarmoured elephants.
Clubmen[edit | edit source]
- 66% dmage versus h inf, h cav, h warships.
- 150% versus foot
Chariots, Longbowmen and Crossbowmen should be allowed to ignore these penalties.
Pages in category "Archers"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.