Talk:The Raj of Steam and Steel/Technologies and upgrades

From Warbirth Wiki

Technologies[edit source]

In Age of Empires, technologies are researched from the Hqc townctr.png Town Centre. For the purposes of this mod, they shall be based off palatial villas.

Trunk techs[edit source]

Only two ages are available in Rise of the Moderns: The Raj of Steam and Steel, and their icons resemble those of Age of Darkness.

Name Cost
Mechanical Age
Electronic Age
Leads to :
Tariffs Thinking Machines Callous Exploitation

Knowledge : 2,100
Food.jpg : 1,050

Politics[edit source]

The world of The Raj of Steam and Steel is not the same as our world, for in this case, movements toward democratisation and liberalisation have not taken off. Instead, there is a stronger bent toward the use of authoritarian measures as befitting a post-apocalyptic setting.

Unlike Kings & Conquerors, Government policies in The Raj of Steam and Steel retain the original vanilla designations for Patriots and bonuses.

Green policies[edit source]

Name Cost
Labour Movement
Metal: 150
Food: 150
Sovereign Rights
Metal: 250
Food: 250
New Course

Metal: 450
Food: 450

Note: The use of Right-wing governments for Green policies here is NOT a mistake.

Red policies[edit source]

Name Cost

Wealth.jpg : 80
Timber : 80

Royal Prerogative
 Prereq: Imperial Age

Wealth.jpg : 150
Timber : 150


Wealth.jpg : 300
Timber : 300

Patriot names:

  • Green: The Citizen, the Protector of the Realm, the People's Vanguard.
  • Red: The Baron, the Monarch, the Autocrat.

Commerce Commerce[edit source]

The commerce track is fully based on that of Age of Darkness.

Name Cost
Scientific Management Knowledge :100
Currency Manipulation
Leads to: Credit
Knowledge :200
Fiscal Reserves
Leads to :
Synthetic Derivatives Customs Reform
Knowledge :300
Food.jpg :200
Steam Power
Leads to :
31px Shell Process
Tariff Wars
Leads to : Tariffs
Knowledge :1,200
Food.jpg :500
Financial Regulation
Leads to : Silviculture
Knowledge :1,500
Food.jpg :800
National Infrastructure Knowledge :2,000
Food.jpg :1500

Science Science[edit source]

This track is based off A Wrong Turn's but is interspersed with those of Fall of Nations.

Name Cost
 Leads to : Academic Disciplines

Knowledge : 300
Food.jpg : 300

Leads to : 31px

Food.jpg : 170

 Leads to : Shell Process

Knowledge : 160
Food.jpg : 200


Food.jpg : 120

Edritch Research

Knowledge : 1,200
Food.jpg : 800

Sorcery Guilds
Leads to : 30px Callous Exploitation

Knowledge : 1,500
Food.jpg : 1,500

Singularity Cores

Knowledge : 800
Food.jpg : 500

Civics File:Civitas.jpg[edit source]

This track is based off that of The Southeastern Dragon.

Name Cost
Leads to : 31px
Wealth.jpg : 50

Leads to : Religious Fundamentalism

Wealth.jpg : 150
Timber : 120
Law Enforcement
Leads to:
31px Silviculture Precision Engineering
Wealth.jpg : 300
Timber : 160

Leads to : Propaganda techniques 31px

Wealth.jpg : 500
Timber : 230
Leads to Canning Process
Wealth.jpg : 800
Timber : 500
 Leads to : 30px
Wealth.jpg : 1,000
Timber : 800
Colonial System

Leads to : Ethnic revival

Wealth.jpg : 1,500
Timber : 1,000
Knowledge : 800

Military Military[edit source]

Follows that of Fall of Nations.

Name Cost
National Defence
Leads to : 31px

Food.jpg :170

Military-Industrial Complex
Leads to : Polygonal Architecture Religious Fundamentalism

Food.jpg : 200

Rapid Dominance Doctrine
Leads to: 31px

Food.jpg : 300
Metal.png : 100

Leads to: Blood and Soil

Knowledge : 1460
Metal.png : 280

Professional Corps
 Leads to :31px
Knowledge : 650
Metal.png : 400
Strategic Reserves
Leads to: 31px
Knowledge : 1,300
Metal.png : 500
Infiltration Assault Doctrine

Knowledge : 1,800
Metal.png : 1,200

Upgrades[edit source]

Woodworking Woodworking[edit source]

Name Cost
Synthetic Derivatives
 Prereq: Commerce Level 3: Fiscal Reserves
Leads to : Canning Process

Metal : 250
Food : 250

 Prereqs: 31px Civics Level 3: Law Enforcement

Metal : 450
Food : 450

Construction Construction[edit source]

Name Cost
Monumental Architecture
Prereq: Academic Disciplines
Leads to: Mass Manufacturing

Wealth.jpg : 300
Timber : 300

Precision Engineering
Prereq: Civics Level 3: Law Enforcement Fourth Estate
Leads to : Polygonal Architecture

Wealth.jpg : 80
Timber : 80

Agronomics Agronomics[edit source]

Name Cost
 Prereq: Civics Level 3: Law Enforcement
Timber : 250
Metal : 100
Canning Process
Prereq: Civics Level 5: Helotry Synthetic Derivatives
Timber : 350
Metal : 150

Healthcare Healthcare[edit source]

Name Cost
Prereq: Academic Disciplines
Food.jpg : 80
Wealth.jpg : 50
First Aid
Prereq: 31px
Food.jpg : 180
Wealth.jpg : 80
Prereq: Civics Level 6: Empire 31px
Oil : 350
Wealth.jpg : 200

Metallurgy Metallurgy[edit source]

Name Cost
Shell Process
Commerce Level 4: Steam Power Science Level 3: Cryofusion

Timber : 350
Food.jpg : 350

Callous Exploitation
 Requires: [2] Electronics Age 31px

Timber : 450
Food.jpg : 450

Logistics Logistics[edit source]

Name Cost
Mass Manufacturing
Prereq: Military Level 1: National Defence Monumental Architecture
Leads to: Silviculture
Timber : 100
Supply Network
Commerce Level 4: Steam Power Precision Engineering
Metal.png : 160
Wealth.jpg : 160

Pedagogics Pedagogics[edit source]

Name Cost
Academic Disciplines
 Prereq : 31px
 Leads to :
Triage Credit Monumental Architecture
Food : 100
Fourth Estate
Prereq :
31px 31px
Leads to :Precision Engineering
Food : 150
Academic Espionage
Prereq : 31px
Food : 250
Thinking Machines
 Prereq :
[2] Electronics Age 31px
 Leads to : 30px
Food : 450

Strategy Strategy[edit source]


Prereq: 31px
Wealth.jpg : 70
Food.jpg : 50
Prereq: Military Level 6: Strategic Reserves 31px
Wealth.jpg : 170
Food.jpg : 100

Taxation Taxation[edit source]

Name Cost
Prereq: 31px Academic Disciplines
Food : 250;
Timber : 100
Customs Reform
Prereq: Commerce Level 3: Fiscal Reserves
Food : 320;
Timber : 200
Prereqs: [2] Electronics Age 31px
Leads to : 31px
Food : 500;
Timber : 400

Religion/Propaganda Religion[edit source]

Name Cost
Press control
Prereq: Civics Level 1: Corporatism
Leads to : 31px
Knowledge: 100
Propaganda techniques
Prereq: Civics Level 4: Authority
Knowledge: 300
Ethnic revival
Prereq: Civics Level 7: Colonial System
Knowledge: 900

Fortification Fortification[edit source]

Name Cost
Polygonal Architecture
Prereq: Military Level 2: Military-Industrial Complex Precision Engineering

Metal.png : 120
Wealth.jpg : 150

Regime Survival
Military Level 5: Professional Corps Tariffs

Metal.png : 240
Wealth.jpg : 350

Attrition Attrition[edit source]

Name Cost
Religious Fundamentalism
Prereq: 31px Military Level 2: Military-Industrial Complex
Metal.png : 80
Wealth.jpg : 80
Prereq: Civics Level 4: Authority
Metal.png: 150
Wealth.jpg: 150
Blood and Soil
Prereq: Military Level 4: Recruitment
Leads to: 31px
Metal.png: 300
Wealth.jpg: 300