Renegade Halberdiers

From Warbirth Wiki

(Redirected from Renegade Chinese Footmen)

Perchance the army carries corpses in the wagon. Misfortune.

— The Book of Changes, (Hex VII "The Army", r 3)

In game[edit | edit source]

Renegade Halberdiers — Vital statistics

Heavy ship with powerful attack and range, strong against warships and fortifications alike.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Upgrade of Upgrades to
250 12 13 2.6s
39 Basic unit


Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Timber: 40;
Metal.png: 40
Timber: 1;
Metal.png: 2
2 Estaleiro.png 3 0–9
  • Moderate attack bonus versus buildings.
  • Poor turn speed.

Roundel yin.png Roundel zhou.png Roundel korea.png Choson.png Roundel vietnam.png Roundel vn.png Nan yue.png Xianyu.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

They are in essence mercenary Halberdiers, differing only in value and tech requirements. Like Renegade Chinese Warlord they come into play only in the Axial Age.

Notes[edit | edit source]


There are 3 tiers of this unit:

  • Age of Empires: One has a Han cap, but the other has robes with red armour.
  • Warbirth / Bronze Dawn - one unit has lacquered armour, but the other one should have no armour - and both of them are bareheaded.
    • If so, Ge Infantry (Ko'-P'openg) need to have rudimentary leather armour. Or caps