
From Warbirth Wiki

Introduction[edit source]

Wonders in Warbirth are very expensive and take a long time to build, but they are usually worth it, since their wonder point score has been bumped up. A single Egpyptian wonder when built can easily win the game. Because of this, it is often that you will be faced with a dilemma - do I research technologies to improve my military, or should I instead invest all my hard-earned Influence in building wonders?

souds???[edit source]

  • Great Temple - DONE
  • Choga Zanbil/Zigurrat Dur-Untash liberty. - USe old sound from Win 99
  • Etemenanki - Babylon only. Forbidden City - Uses WarGames OST
  • Ammonium - DONE
  • Sphinx - Resample this
  • Megalith Complex - DONE
  • Ramesseum - DONE

finished[edit source]

  • Djeser-Djeseru - DONE, take from KC0
  • Pyramid- reuse vanilla
  • Nekromanteion - done
  • Necropolis Complex - done, reuse from KC0
  • Grand Citadel - reuse from KC0.1?
  • Imperial Gardens - Check Bronze Dawn
  • Royal Palace - Check KC0.1
  • Grand Library - Hanging Gardens vanilla
  • Mehram Bilqis - KC0.1
  • Shrine of Poseidon - can use Song of Nereids (daemonia Nymphe)

Build list[edit source]

Compensatory wonders:

Monarchy grants 3 wonders. 17 wonders:

  1. Megalith Complex (European factions, Koreans, Bach Viet, Aristocracy) - Terracotta Warriors - this has a Wonder point of only 2,
  2. Nekromanteion = space program. 4 WP. Built by both Greece and Thracians
  3. Necropolis Complex - Colosseum. But not for Semitic peoples or Indians or Iranians. 5WP
  4. Grand Citadel -lal 6WP
  5. Imperial Gardens - Use the Sennacherib version. Shared between Shang, Babylon, Zhou. Hanging Garden. 6WP
  6. Grand Library - super C - requires Monarchy AND Axial Age. The Grand Library is shared between Assyria and Zhou. 6 WP
  7. Shrine of Poseidon - Porc tower. 7WP. Greeks only.
  8. Mehram Bilqis (Axial Age Wonder) - taj. 7 WP
  9. Great Temple -colossus. but not built by Germans, Bach Viet, Koreans or Celts. 8WP
  10. Royal Palace - Monarchy - functions like Verailles. Requires Monarchy. 1200K 1500G 800T, 8WP
  11. Choga Zanbil/Zigurrat Dur-Untash liberty. Elamite. 9 WP
  12. Etemenanki - Babylon only. Forbidden City. 9WP

Egyptian wonders[edit source]

They are the costliest, but produce the highest number of WPs.

  1. Pyramid- Pyramid, duh - 5 WPs. No Influence but 900T and 450F required.
  2. Ammonium - kremlin - 7 WPs 500K 1000F 300G
  3. Sphinx -tikal. Renovate the Sphinx to get - 9 WPs. 450M 900T 700K
  4. Djeser-Djeseru - angkor. 9 WP Requires Monarchy. 900K 1500M 800T
  5. Ramesseum - eiffel. Highest WP score, of 11. Requires Monarchy, and 900K 1700F 800G.

Some thoughts[edit source]

For the Shang and Zhou it is clear that we need to use the Zhou style of architecture. I suppose that the Celtiberians can use Cancho Roano for the place. So,

  • European palace - Cancho Roano. Undone.
  • Chinese palace - WIP
  • Egyptian palaace - done, recycled
  • Akkadian: Undone
  • Greek : WIP
  • Indian/Nomadic: undone.