Talk:Heavy Axemen

From Warbirth Wiki

WEapon bonuses[edit source]

Walter says our axe units in RoN are too weak. He suggests a sweeping set of bonuses, distinct from those of Kings & Conquerors, that allow axemen to best all melee units - swords, spears, the works.

My opinion:

  • Only halberdiers and elite axes should have this ability.
  • Elite axes include Etruscan Macstrna, Chinese halberds and axes of all sorts, Basque units. Egyptians and heavy axemen too.
  • HEavy axemen should have this bonus against any and all infantry types, as befitting their status - for Hammurabi, the elite axemen that precede guardsmen should tie in with the Basques, Etruscan and heavy axes should share the next tier of anti-infantry bonuses.
  • Against Greek units (see Greece) the bonuses should be at their lowest.

Implementation plans?

  • At the next update (Imperivm Invictvm, or AGe of Empires) edo a stocktake of all units in Age of Empires and Age of Chariots,
  • Set downa backup of old balance.x
  • Identify which units are melee ones,
    • Which one sare heavy axe units
    • Which are classical Greek and Roman,
    • Which are late Roman units.

Generally Roman units of late antiquity (Imperial AGe for AGe of Empires, eg Pedites Comitatensium, Palatini) should not be liable of being targeted in this manner. Tiers?

  • Levy units suffer greatly from heavy axe attacks. Both elite and heavy axemen deal unmitigated damage.
  • Regulars suffer less but some are noit spoared against UUs like macstrna, halberdiers or Chinese ji and ge.
  • Greek units - Hoplitai, Phalangitai for Greece - should be the least affected alongside Romans. But again, Macstrna should have a bonus against these (really? maybe).
  • The modern Hoplitai/Promakhoi counts as a classical Greek unit, as does Numeroi and Protostatia.

In other words, advanced UUs for Rome are immune to heavy axe/polearm attack, discounting the increased base DPS of the unit.

So far European and Aegean heavy axemen could tentatively use the Arti skin from Kings & Conquerors, but the metal used should be bronze not iron.

  • Middle Eastern - heavy armour with helmets? DONE. 2 versions, 1 model, 2 skins.
  • European - DONE. 2 versions, 2 models, 2 skins
  • Chinese - possibly, this one's a no-brainer. Probably it will involve the use of leather armour.