Phrygian Cavalry

From Warbirth Wiki

In game[edit | edit source]

Lhorse ron.png
Phrygian Cavalry — Vital statistics

Light melee cavalry, cheap to create and capable of good speed and flexibility

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Upgrades to
Level 3: Heraldry and Code of Honour Military
87 3 13 3s
34 Lancer
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Wealth.jpg: 50;
Food.jpg: 10
Wealth.jpg: 5;
Food.jpg: 10
1 Stable.png None Melee
  • Bonus damage versus light infantry, artillery, and structures.
  • Attack penalty versus camels, elephants.
  • Defensive penalty versus heavy infantry.

Roundel phrygia.png

A more efficient version of the Horseman - hits more slowly, but has greater damage thanks to its axe. 2 are trained instead of just 1. Phrygian Horsemen will stay in the game, until they are converted, and become Lancers for other factions. Phrygians are highly effective especially if deployed against elite armoured units.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Normal Euro horseman - a d00d in a simple skin tunic. Use Suebi javelineer, but arm him with a crude lance.
  • Phrygian - wears a cap (either a simple "gnome" hood or a bone helmet, and a peltast shield.
    • One version with a fur jerkin
    • One version wears a cape.
  • Balkan - alternates between a woolen jerkin and a cap, Phrygian style. No shield.
  • Cimmerian - Wears the same hats as the Phrygians but looks different.
    • One version wears crude breeches, but is naked to the waist
    • Another wears a loincloth, but also a jerkin.