Necropolis Complex

From Warbirth Wiki

In game[edit | edit source]

Barraccks wbi.jpg
Necropolis Complex — Vital statistics

Used to train and upgrade infantry.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed
31px Military
80 6 12 2.33s
Cost Building class Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp
Food.jpg: 20
Metal: 10;
Food.jpg: 1 Military 0 Melee

Roundel scythoi.png Roundel mitanni.png Roundel teresh.png Roundel celtic.png Roundel yin.png Roundel greek.png Roundel zhou.png Roundel elamite.png Roundel korea.png Roundel troy.png Roundel phrygia.png Roundel vietnam.png Roundel hatti.png Roundle qmt.png Roundel ord.png Lauburu.png Roundel bharat.png Tartessos.png Roundel othala.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

The Barracks is a building meant to recruit mid-tier infantry, and is available for most factions, except the Iranians, Germans, Euskaldunak and Choson. Unlike Rise of Kings: Chronicles, the Barracks is used to recruit mid-tier units, and can be built only when Soldiery is researched.

Notes[edit | edit source]

For Chinese and Aegean tombs, a Mycenaean-style grave circle might be the best way forward. A single hill, surrounded by a cyclopean wall.