Gutian Skirmishers

From Warbirth Wiki

"In the army of Gutium, at first no king was famous; they were their own kings and ruled thus for 3 years..." —Sumerian King List

In Game[edit | edit source]

Icon wbi hurler merc guti.png
Gutian Skirmishers — Vital statistics

Light melee infantry with slow but powerful, armour-piercing attack. Ideal for attacking buildings and large units, especially war elephants, siege weapons and chariots.

  • Strong versus unarmed units, siege weapons and missile units with low accuracy or rate of fire
  • Weak versus military units, especially heavy cavalry.
Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement

31px Military
95 8 13 2s
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Food.jpg: 50;
Wealth.jpg: 50
Wealth.jpg: 5;
Food.jpg: 1
1 Barraccks wbi.jpg 0 0-5
  • Armour-piercing attacks.
  • Decent defensive bonus versus buildings.
  • Decent attack bonus versus archers.
Roundel teresh.png Roundel celtic.png Roundel phrygia.png Roundel ord.png Lauburu.png Roundel othala.png Rounder Briton.png Roundel etruria.png Germans Roundel gaul.png Roundle belgae.png Roundel sarmat.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

They're completely naked, and bereft of armour, but make no mistake - Gutian Skirmishers are fairly cheap, and in massive numbers can cause untold damage with their javelins. They however, unlike the Celtic Uirodusios, are not professional soldiers, so while they can fling their javelins with terrifying speed, they are still rather slow on the march, and their javelins also don't always strike their targets. Worse still, they are genuine horde - they are undisciplined and thus can't be ordered around. Nevertheless, the nature of javelins in Warbirth is such that they can cause splash damage wherever they land, so recruiting vast number of these units and setting them on poorly armoured units (most notably units with no armour such as archers and slingers) is often not a bad idea.

(1-9 range, high projectile speed)

See also[edit | edit source]