Floating Fortress

From Warbirth Wiki

The Floating Fortress - a logical progression from the Tower Barque, but not necessarily militarily logical. Is essentially the equivalent of 3 Tower Barques, lashed together but with a very big speed penalty. Its main task is to protect against ships - so it is a very powerful anti-ship weapon for China. But it is a very costly endeavour and not foolproof - even simple Fire Raft attacks will bring it down fairly quickly.

In game[edit | edit source]

Ch floatfort.png
Floating Fortress — Vital statistics

Super-heavy Chinese unique naval unit, with phenomenally high hitpoints and attack, but somewhat low armour. Ideal for amassing naval supremacy and suppressing shore defence.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Classical Age [1]
410 18 90 x 2 2.6s
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Metal.png: 150;
Timber: 150;
Wealth.jpg: 140
Food.jpg: 4
Wealth.jpg: 3
2 Dock 9 2–17
  • Moderate attack bonus versus buildings.
  • Poor turn speed.
Roundel chimp.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]