Cimmerian Noble

From Warbirth Wiki

"Sumantra fast and faster drove
 His horses, who in fleetness strove
 Still onward to the distant grove,
The hermit-haunted wood. -The Ramayana (cap 46)

In game[edit | edit source]

Gamirchar WBI.png
Cimmerian Noble — Vital statistics

Slow-moving but powerful ranged mercenary chariot unit, able to take out slow-moving targets but must be protected from cavalry and missile infantry.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Upgrades to
Heroic Age [2]
126 3 34 1.9s
31 Skythcav ico.png l Kimmeroi Hoplitai
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Wealth.jpg: 240
Krateia.png: 90;
Food.jpg: 3
2 Fortes.jpg 5 0–8
  • +1 splash damage.
  • Defence bonus versus bowmen, slingers and non-ranged assault infantry.
  • Attack debuff versus buildings.
  • Defence debuff versus long spears, pikes, elephants.
  • Can attack enemies while moving.
Roundel bbwel.png Roundel assur.png Roundel ord.png Roundel sibir.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

These chariot-driving Cimmerian Nobles form an elite corps of charioteer mercenary units who are slightly more powerful, yet more fragile than conventional Medium Chariotry (or the Indian Ratha-type chariots in Alexander). They may not have the range as normal Medium Chariots do, but they are still armed with javelins, and can throw them at a fairly good distance, even at point-blank range, providing the Babylonians and Assyrians a powerful, mid-game anti-melee infantry unit until Scythians or Heavy Chariots (available to Assur) come online. They still lack good armour, however, so they are rather weak if assaulted by javelin cavalry or massed archers — so their best use is usually as defensive units for attacking isolated melee units, especially those that are moving.

In Alexander, however, these units (renamed Kimmeroi Arkhigoi and trained by the forbears of the Dacians, the Getai) are mostly little more than a vestigial unit, extant in the roster more for historical accuracy than anything else. And while they are useful for running down enemies with poor ranged units, such as the Tyrrhenoi or Illyrioi, you are best advised to exchange them for Kimmeroi Hoplitai as soon as possible, because they are fairly slow and very vulnerable to horse cavalry, which soon eventually appear and dominate the latter phase of any Rise of Nations game using the Alexander mod.

See also[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

BUT how exactly is this unit designed? how does it differ from others, esp Anatolian Warchief?

(Both Anatolian and Cimmerian charioteers use a mix of Assyrian and Hittite chariots.

  • Anatolian WArchief - uses Greek chariots.
  • Cimmerian Noble - uses WBI_char_Assur, as well as chariot_zhou2 (but with chariot_zhou3.tga)