Pilei Ya'ar

From Warbirth Wiki

"They built hundreds of bridges for us, they helped to build and launch more ships for us than Helen ever did for Greece."

— William Slim, 20th century British General

In game[edit | edit source]

Welephant tap.png
Pilei Ya'ar — Vital statistics

Super heavy cavalry unit with powerful splash-based attack, highly effective versus melee units, but near worthless against missile units, especially firearms.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Upgrade of
Axial Age [3]
85 6 15 5.9s
30 Jungle Elephant
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Wealth.jpg: 220
Wealth.jpg: 8

Angkor Wat

4 Melee
  • Bonus damage versus light infantry.
  • Defensive bonus versus Archers.
  • Attack penalty versus camel cavalry and elephants.
Roundel knaan.png

Overall strategy[edit | edit source]

The strongest melee unit in the game, the Varu is a thing of terror. Large, repugnant in scent and capable of tearing down primitive forts, this unit is a menace to everyone but has a marked weakness to javelins and is limited in its ability to take ground by its slow gait.

Unit summary[edit | edit source]

  • Very strong melee unit, trainable from the Angkor Wat wonder, immensely powerful in melee engagements but susceptible to missile attack.
  • Livin' Large — These units consume a fair amount of resources and have a huge pop cap cost. Thus, only the most warlike and the richest cultures can afford to recruit War Elephants.
  • Bigger Is Not Better — War Elephants are weak to ranged weapons and ships, so should not be fielded on their own.

History[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]