Pedites Defensorum

From Warbirth Wiki

In game[edit | edit source]

Rkc akritae ico.png
Pedites Defensorum — Vital statistics
Pedites Defensorum

Roman unique assault infantry. Not as heavily armoured as other contemporary Roman units, but capable of using ranged attacks to fend off enemy cavalry and light infantry alike at range.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Upgrade of

Non-Commissioned Officers Strategy

140 8 18 2s
25 Javelineer TaP.png
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Food.jpg: 50;
Wealth.jpg: 50
Food.jpg: 1;
Metal.png: 1
1 Fortes.jpg l Keep 4 0-6
  • Strong attack bonus versus assault infantry.
  • Diminished attack bonus versus buildings.
Roundel hellenic.png Roundel rome.png

Overall Strategy[edit | edit source]

Contrary to their name in Latin, the Pedites Defensorum corps consist of units in some armour, armed with javelins, a shield and a sword. While their shields and armour make them useful for tanking archer fire and drawing attacks against your more valuable melee infantry away, their sword and shield combos make them highly effective at attacking structure and siege machines, while the javelins also allow them to make short work of chariots and elephants with numerical superiority. Their only weaknesses are that they are seldom trainable in huge numbers and represent the worst late Roman armies have to offer - being too costly and too slow to be trained in large number, necessitating the need for a Roman player to instead rely on lighter units such as Syrian Archers and Berber mercenaries. Their anti-elephant abilities, however, make them useful when fighting against India, Persia or the Tokharoi - otherwise, you are better sticking to using Miles or Ped. Comitantensium to do your bidding in the field.

See also[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]