Konukswu Spearmen

From Warbirth Wiki

Nahua Konukswu ico.png

In game[edit | edit source]

Runokingetoi — Vital statistics

Belgae unique stealth assault infantry unit. Not as resistant to archer fire as conventional swordsmen, but is cloaked when not moving, and deals additional damage versus units trained from Hovels, and Sanctuary-trained mercenaries and agents. Can also damage nearby units when moving.

Prereq: Build time HP LOS Attack Attack speed Movement
Upgrade of
Axial Age [3]
127 11 23 1.2s
21 Eiro slingers ico.png
Cost Created from Armour Weapon range Specialty
Base Ramp Pop
Krateia.png: 170;
Wealth: 60

Food.jpg: 4;
Timber: 3

1 Senate.jpg 1 Melee
  • Attack bonus versus Hovels units, most Sanctuary infantry, Shamans, Priests.
  • Defensive penalty versus archers.
  • Can "charge" enemy units.
  • Is cloaked when not moving.

Roundle belgae.png

Notes[edit | edit source]

Native America units often have bonuses against al sorts of targes, but all suffer an attack penalty versus cavalry.