Germans/Early CtW

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< Germans

Faction Overview Strategic Overview History

The German nation begins its journey into history on the southern tip of Scandinavia - Skanelendo. All told, the German campaign is probably the easiest, and give or take a few turns, it can easily span the entire map in no time.

There is just one problem , though - the German nation is fracticious and such as it is, it will begin to lose territories to cultural assimilation. Areas will break off and secede to other European cultures, if they are wealthier tan you.

  • If Euskadulnak control more territories, German held areas in France (Eluetion, Akuitanon, Lemorisae, Bellovacaea, Armoria, Mrogaedu and Ilergetion) will instantly defect to the Euskaldunak.
  • If Celts command 100 or more tribute, areas in Britannia and East Europe will disappear at the end of your turn.
  • Thracian regions under German control will disappear to the Thracians so long as the Thracian nation controls 5 or more territories, and said territories are Level 4 or lower.

So as a result, there are two choices that the German nation can choose - either eliminate the Euskaldunak and Celts, or expand further north and east. The north unfortunately is near-bereft of tribute, only simple bonuses (mostly Resource Boom cards) can be found there. Eastern Europe and the fringes of Thracia may be appealing (and Germans historically did colonise these areas) but the threat of the Iranian peoples - the progenitors of the Scythians - breaking through and destroying your weak infantry armies - is very much a probability. All told, it might simply be better to just ally with the Celts until you're strong enough, and try to resist the Thracians and other forces - Phrygians, Hittites, Iranians - the best you can.


CtW objectives[edit | edit source]

  • Destroy all non-aligned factions, or
  • Control 200 Tribute, and conquer any six of the following 9 regions:
    • Tadeong Basin
    • Asturia
    • Nanyue
    • Tummannu
    • Urartu
    • Etruria
    • Etunorikon
    • Raition
    • Bastarnia
    • Marhasi

Initial start[edit | edit source]

  • Northern Europe: Skanelendo (level 1)
  • Tribute.png: 50
  • Bonus.png: 1 x Warpath